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The Singer Billy Obam say "Je trouve ça magnifique, bravo l'artiste !"

Billy Obam was backup singer and dancer of Serge Gainsbourg on the song "You're Under Arrest". He also worked with many artists like Leee John (vocal leader of Imagination - Just An Illusion), Aminata Camara, Gloria Gaynor or Dany Brown. Claire, a friend suggested Billy Obam to me. Thanks to her! A little later Billy sent me some pictures, here are two works that I did and The Singer Billy Obam say "Je trouve ça magnifique, bravo l'artiste !" (see another post) I present you "Happy Birthday", tribute to Gainsbourg. The videoclip (produced by Yoann Laporte) of this single celebrates its 1 year on April 26th 2016. This song is written and sung by Thomas Voiment and Billy Obam, composed by Dany Brown and Billy Obam. So...we can say "Happy Birthday" !! :) I also want to wish a happy birthday to Nath Zen, the webmaster of Billy Obam. A very big thank you again !!

"Happy Birthday", hymne à Gainsbourg - Thomas VOIMENT feat. Billy OBAM

Billy Obam by Yann Messence, paper, cut, paste and marker.

Billy Obam by Yann Messence, paper, cut, paste and marker.

 my poem             



Transparent il peut-être

Mais visible à l’œil nu il peut paraître


On le distingue lentement

Mais aussi rapidement


Il est parfois saccadé

Secouer voir même déchiré!


Le voir avancer ou reculer

Voler et voir même planer!


Effleurer jusqu'au plus près 

Avec la force qu'il transmet


Sur ton bateau tu te fais pousser

Et tes ampoules reste allumées!


De caractère calme voir même exécrable

Je peux être fatal!


Le mouvement reste inné!

Et toujours mouvementé 


Le vent un mot gravé

Ventus latiné!


by Yann Messence

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