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I was born in Laon in Aisne (Picardy) France. Yann Messence began the art from a young age. His parents enrolled him in an association "Artist Laonnois" to learn the art.


At 14, I won a trophy with a reproduction of Andy Warhol in Neuilly-Saint-Front in the Aisne.


At the age of 16, I go into a preparatory school of Fine Arts but I stopped after six months because it did not correspond to me.I always wanted to be a professional artist but in my childhood I met other artists who were professional and most advised me not to make it my profession so I headed to the classic job to earn money.


After a big parenthesis of 11 years and I did not draw much, I took art in 2011 thanks to a friend who advised me to take art.


I took art with pastel technical and a few months after it was proposed to make my first exhibition in New York with the Artitude gallery of Paris directed by Jean-Pierre Lorriaux.


In 2014 I created a new technique of ecological art, it is a fashion magazine recycling, I cut and glue according to my ideas also help the environment.


Today in 2018 I made 3 exhibitions in New York, one is a New York gallery owner who wanted to expose me to come home, 1 exhibition in London in 2014 and 3 exhibitions in Paris 2 for Business Pierre Cardin art.



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